Secure Your Retirement

Did you know that studies have shown that the 5 years before and after retirement are the most difficult transition in life other than becoming parents. Leaving the workforce and starting the “go-go” phase is a complicated mental shift.

People in their 40's to early 60's that have saved, generally fit in a few buckets.

1. Starting to think or worry about being able to retire.
2. You know you can retire, but aren't sure what goals are feasible or not.
3. You’ve saved millions, but it’s all Traditional Retirement Contributions. (Taxes!)
4. Empty nesters and now you’re able to save more than ever.

Why do I love working with you? Engaging at this point, we still have time to significantly lower your lifetime tax savings and prepare you with clarity on what is and is not feasible. With thorough planning we can create the flexibility you need to accomplish your goals and make good decisions along the way.

Notice all I have mentioned to this point is planning and taxes, investments will always be a focus but they are just one tool in the tool box. If you have millions in a traditional IRA and project to be in the 32% bracket for all of it, then that tends to be the primary concern!

At the pre-retirement stage, we can make tons of changes. However when you are 75, a lot of those options have passed you by and with it, some opportunities to create flexibility.

Once my clients have put themselves in a good position either before they met me or after, I’m the advisor that will tell you to “go-go”, while you still can! Many aren’t capable of crossing off the bucket list in your latter years like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman due to the simple fear of running out of money.

If any of this sounds familiar and we both know it does, click the booking link below for a free discovery call.

The risk of not having that call is much higher than the risk of simply not asking.
