Hourly Planning

Initial Call

Once we have completed the initial call and determined that this is the most suitable option for you at the current time, we will schedule a call and payment of the first hour will be collected up front. Any time over the first hour will be billed afterwards in 30 minute increments. If you need additional calls, we can schedule as needed to continue the conversation. Some clients may remain in this format for 3-6 hours for many years before transitioning to an ongoing client relationship.

Meeting Preparation

Once we have determined that you either do not have the assets or complexity that requires ongoing planning, yet you do want to make sure to get on the right track and get all of your questions answered, we will get you set up for hourly planning.

  • To make sure that you get the most out of the time, we will send a list of information to prepare and have available for us to be able to provide you with the most value we can in the time that we spend together.

  • Some examples may include, account statements, previous years tax return, pay stubs, employee benefits, insurance documents, doing some budgeting ahead of time, etc.

  • We will ask that these are prepared ahead of time so that we can immediately address those questions.

Hourly Planning Meetings

Once we begin, we tend the structure the meeting as you see below, but remain flexible in making sure that you get everything out of the meeting that you are hoping to achieve. In the end, this is your meeting once the clock starts, and we will go at your pace.

  • Address Initial Client questions

  • Understand Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances

  • Discuss Client Short and Long Term Goals

  • Analyze the Current Course of Action and Potential Alternatives

  • Develop and Present Financial Planning Recommendations