Financial Planning for Busy Young Professionals

Busy Professionals

These are people that are too busy to maintain a Financial Plan, or just want it done for them.

This often includes people that travel often for work, traveling medical professionals, professional athletes or 1099 contractors that are paid more at different times of the year, busy parents and more. Some have inconsistent pay, like to take a month or more off work at a time, and need dependable ongoing communication to make regular cash flow updates than anything.

Why? My wife and I love to travel and she has made me appreciate the value of turning everything else off and enjoying the people and places around us. So I provide a service to my clients that allows them turn the stress of your finances off, and focus on enjoying yourself or earning more.

Many that I end up working with have attempted to put a Financial Plan together, but don't execute it because they are so busy with the endless cycle of life. So, many want me to create a proper plan tailored to their lives that they can follow and adjust as they go while holding them accountable.

In the end, we tangibly see tax savings, investment returns, review insurance for risk management, estate planning, review Financial Products that someone else has sold them, and more.

Intangibly, I see comfort, confidence, and a burden lifted off of their shoulders, which is a value that tends to be worth the fee by itself. You can’t put a value on the relief that you get with clarity in your financial life. Sometimes the most important role I play is as the Family Financial Psychologist!

When you look at the value of the total relationship, it's the discount of a lifetime. If you got this far, you definitely need to click the booking link below for a free discovery call.

The risk of not having that call is much higher than the risk of simply not asking.