Free Discovery Call

We believe this is an important first step. Anytime an advisor or client engages in a relationship, it makes sense to have a good feel for one another and your values.

  • As a client, you likely want to know my experience, my services, how I communicate, and if you would be comfortable speaking with me regularly.

  • As an advisor, I want to know all of the same, and also if your situation is within my areas of expertise. There is a lot that I know, but it would be irresponsible to take clients that have significant value invested in alternative investments that I am unfamiliar with.

In addition to making sure that we are comfortable with one another, we will determine if the assets, income, and complexity of your financial life are more suitable for ongoing management or hourly planning. A high level decision tree for that determination is mapped out below.

client relationship tree for wealth management

The decision tree can be difficult to read on mobile devices, we recommend using a desktop to view it clearly if needed.