• No, we firmly believe that everyone deserves professional financial advice regardless of age or assets. Frankly, the earlier in life you put in good planning, the easier it will be later.

  • Our firm only receives payment directly from our clients. That means, no commissions and no selling of products. This dramatically reduces any conflicts of interest between us and our clients and ensures all clients are treated the same. Our focus is on providing exceptional wealth advisory services, equally, to all clients.

  • Let’s be completely transparent. Everything we do, you can do for yourself! Yes, that’s right. However, the better question is, do you want to do this? Are you confident that you know all of the answers? And is it the best use of your time? Often, clients hire us because they want to be very intentional with their finances, but don’t have the interest or time to do it themselves, and they know they want it done right. Some are completely hands off, and some like to have a “co-pilot” alongside them.

  • We provide virtual services so that we aren’t limited by location. So regardless of what state you live in, we’d love the opportunity to serve you. If you live in Indiana, we would love to meet in person. And we love to travel, so chances are at some point we will come to you for a meeting!

  • We never plan to get to that point. Our family launched this firm to make sure that we are never told how much growth needs to happen. We never plan to take more than 80 ongoing clients, which is highly manageable and will give our clients incredible access to their advisor for any needs that arise. That is also why we are very cautious with who we take as ongoing clients. By maintaining a home office and keeping expenses low, we maintain the ability to operate a small boutique firm that proactively serves our clients.

  • At a minimum, once per year. We prefer to meet 3 times a year to make sure that we are providing the value that we believe you deserve, but ultimately that choice is yours.

  • Ongoing Management starts at $3,000/year for individuals and families, and $5,000/year for business owners. Hourly planning is $250/hour. Click here to see which is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions